As a part of our unit on procedural text, students were asked (rubric provided) to create ANY creation from materials available in my recyclables box. They were to write at least 10 step directions and get a second set of exactly the same materials. At various times during the time such as "I am done, now what", intervention time, etc. different students were able to work on this project. Times were different but at the end they all had the same amount of time. Today, students were assigned a partner (did not show their partner final product) and gave their partner directions. They had 20 minutes to build a creation based on directions and materials provided. After this, they came together and discussed questions provided. Students shared out their answers with the group, went back to their desks to write down answers to the questions we discussed as a class. Throughout the entire activity, they were engaged and I saw very high level of participation (over 90%). I was able to obtain 3 grades: 1 for following the rubric and creating directions based on the rubric, 2 for participation in the project, 3 for answering the questions in writing. All students were able to complete this project regardless of AG, RTI or any other things they may be a part of. I have 100% completion when it comes to this project (now response grades and rubric grades do vary but I am also able to differentiate there without it being obvious to the class, i.e my level C reader had a requirement of 5 step directions because of how much she's pulled out during the day). This project helped my students relate procedural text to real life and provide student engagement/buy in when it comes to this specific standard.
Enjoying Procedural Text!
Mrs. Swanson