Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Teacher Appreciation Week

This year teacher appreciation week snuck up on me somewhere between tutoring, getting ready for end of the year testing, and all the other business that is the end of the school year. I completely forgot that today was "card day"until my students started pouring through the door with their cheerful smiles and cards. I was so thankful for their cards and their sweet hugs, but as I started reading them, something even more awesome happened.
If you know me well, you know that my biggest goal in the classroom is for every single one of my students to know that they are loved and cared about in my classroom. I love routines, discipline, and creativity. Students know my expectations, but I never want them to leave my room or come into my room and wonder if I truly care. Today, I knew 100% that this year I accomplished my goal-my students know that they are cared about whether they are amazing or terrible test takers, whether they are in my classroom for academics or because they need that extra hug in the morning, whether they are "easy" kids or "challenging" kids, they know I love them all and they are safe and cared about in my classroom.
As I started reading my students' cards, some were your typical " you're the best teacher ever" and that's always very sweet and makes me happy and grateful. However, so many were very different from the cards I've received in the past. I am posting a few on here because they were the cards that truly made me tear up and made feel like I reached my students this year. One was a heart with adjectives describing the way one of my students sees me. We did an activity in the beginning of the year where each student had a card on his/her back and classmates wrote adjectives to describe them. Then, we set in a circle and students shared what they expected, what surprised them, how they felt, etc. It was a team building activity and here it was. It made its way back to me. I know this student took it personally and remembered it. I loved what she made.
Another was from a student who was in my class last year. She was a transfer from another school and we worked on maturity and academics all year long. Getting cards or letters from former students is always special to my heart and I was so glad to receive hers.

Another card that made a huge impact on me was from a student who has been working all year on confidence, academics, and some days behavior,as well as  cooling off strategies. The words that stood out to me the most were " thank you for being there when I need you"..."thank you for calming me down when I am mad". If anything can bring happy tears to my eyes, that is it.
I am saving every card I received today and when I have those moments of self-doubt, this is what's going to stand out in my mind. I know, I am making a difference no matter
how tired I am at the end of the day. I know they know they are cared about when they enter my door. That's what matters. This has been a tough class. This has been a special class. This has been the best class I have ever taught and for that I am grateful.


A Lucky Teacher

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